The Laundry List Blog

The Money Pyramid – Advanced Apr 29, 2021

Earlier this week, we talked about The Money Pyramid and how it applies to the target clients we intentionally go after.

Now, let’s look at it from a slightly different angle.


Where is your company on The Money Pyramid?

Where are you on The Money Pyramid?

Where do you want to be?


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The Money Pyramid Introduction Apr 27, 2021

I first learned about The Money Pyramid from one of my mentors, Dan Kennedy.

He proved that on average, if you line up 100 people, clients, or companies, that you will see the following segmentation:

1% are rich

4% are prosperous

15% are making a good living

60% are struggling financially (living...

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Only 3 Ways to Grow Your Business Apr 22, 2021

Pictured here with me last year, Jay Abraham is one of the greatest marketers ever to live.

As a mentor of mine, he taught me early on there are only 3 ways to grow your business.

Here they are:

#1 Get more clients. And these clients should look like clients in your top 20% that give you 80% of...

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Marketing : Cost or Investment? Apr 20, 2021

What is marketing?

Marketing can be a principle, strategy, or tactic.

We use marketing to grow relationships with our clients.

To attract and acquire clients.

To appreciate and ascend clients.

To retain our clients and get them to refer their friends and family.

Here's the question:

When you see...

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Capturing Client Data Points Apr 15, 2021

You could have the very best marketing ideas.

The very best offers. The most exciting company news.

But if you don't have your clients' data points, you will not be able to communicate the offers and information to your clients.

I am a firm believer in delivering a similar message across many...

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Your Vocabulary IS Important Apr 13, 2021

You can impact those around you with the vocabulary you choose to use!

As Maverick Drycleaners, we choose to be different.


I will encourage you to use the following vocabulary. These words communicate relationships and trust.


Clients (not customers) - those who pay you money for...

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Relationships vs Transactions Apr 12, 2021

Your top 20% of clients give you 80% of your sales. And they trust you the most. They want a relationship with you.

Your bottom 80% of clients only give you 20% of your sales. They are not as interested in having a relationship with you. They see you as a transaction.

Build your business around...

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All Clients Are Not the Same Mar 21, 2021

In theory, it sounds like a great idea to treat all of your clients equal. The problem is they are NOT equal. They are NOT the same.
If you segment your client list based on their spending, you will find that the top 5% of your clients give you 40% of your sales, the next 15% give you...

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