The Laundry List Blog

The Top Four Challenges Drycleaners Face Oct 21, 2024

I have been supporting and helping drycleaners solve their greatest challenges for almost four years now. I want to share with you the four most common challenges drycleaners have. Here goes:

#1 Slow or No Growth Revenue –
Most drycleaners grade themselves based on their top line revenue,...

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DL Expo Lessons Learned - Cash Flow Part 2 - Reduce Expenses Oct 14, 2024

Last week, I shared with you the 10 tactics to increase sales from my presentation at the DL Expo West on October 5th. You can check the DLI Archives for last week’s email about the 10 tactics to increase sales.

For the seminar I presented, I discussed how to increase cash flow in your...

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DL Expo West Lessons Learned - Cash Flow Oct 07, 2024

The past five days spent in Las Vegas were very special and uplifting. Our industry needed a positive boost after what was a long and somewhat slow summer season.

This past Thursday and Friday, our Maverick Warriors group met and worked together on the operations, marketing, finance, and...

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DL Expo West Sep 30, 2024

If you are attending the DL Expo West in Las Vegas this week, get ready for a really great time! There will be opportunities to learn new ways to grow and manage your business, interact with your friends and peers in the industry, and to meet with the best suppliers, consultants and equipment...

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Money Is An Amplifier Sep 23, 2024

Is money good? Is money bad?
It’s neither really.
It is an amplifier.
If you are a good person, you will be able to do more good with more money.
If you are a bad person, you will do more bad with more money.

Do you have a great desire for wealth?
The amount of wealth you achieve is based on how...

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Double Your Business Sep 16, 2024

If you came to one of my workshops and I asked you to create a plan to double your business, could you do it?

Most people get tripped up on this question...

If you are working IN your business with your operations team, you will likely say it is not possible. Double the revenue means double the...

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Sell Them What They Want Sep 09, 2024

The terms “sales and marketing” have largely been misunderstood, because individual experiences have led to our perception of these two business terms.

In general, most people love to buy but hate to be sold something.

People think there is something dirty about the selling process...

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Creating High Contrast Messages Aug 26, 2024

Marketing has three key components:

  1. Market – define your ideal target client, also known as your avatar
  2. Message – what you tell your client so you can ethically persuade them to do business with you, or do more business with you
  3. Media – where you put your message so it will be...
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High ROI Marketing Aug 19, 2024

On a drycleaning forum recently, someone asked if anyone could share marketing ideas that could provide a large return on investment. I believe the person making the post was completing an acquisition of another company, but the advice my friend gives below is valid for an acquisition and also...

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Positive Attitude Aug 12, 2024

You don’t create success. You attract it. To attract success, you must have a positive attitude.

Most of us are really good at visualizing the negative.

If you ask someone what they want in life, they will stumble around and might not have a very clear answer.

But ask someone what they...

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Manage Your Energy Aug 05, 2024

This past week, I found myself being challenged on some social media posts I created. We recently installed some high output equipment from Macpi, and not everyone in the industry thought it was as great of an idea as I did.
I do enjoy being challenged, and I also enjoy defending my...

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Design a Day You Will Win Jul 29, 2024

As your business grows, things can get more complicated, and you will be confronted with growth hurdles that can be difficult to get over. We have talked about these hurdles before. Why do you get stuck?

Simply put, “What got you here is not what will get you there.” Which means you...

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How to Acquire New Clients Jul 22, 2024

There are three ways to increase your revenue:
1. Acquire New Clients
2. Get current clients to visit more often
3. Get current clients to spend more each time they visit

Very few drycleaners have predictable strategies to consistently attract and acquire right fit clients. They default to depending...

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Prioritize Investments Jul 15, 2024

80% of people are in survival mode.
They are living paycheck to paycheck.
Once they have spent their paycheck, they are broke.

80% of businesses are in survival mode.
They are living payroll to payroll.
Once they have made payroll, the business is broke.

Broke people and broke companies make money to...

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The Great Comforter Opportunity Jul 08, 2024

Ever since the mid-1980s, drycleaning and laundered shirt piece counts have declined. Sure, you can increase piece counts overall if you increase your market share by adding new clients. You also need to focus on being a specialist in at least one growing service.

I chose bedding and it has...

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Harness the Power of Referral Marketing Jul 01, 2024

If there’s one thing every drycleaner could use, it is a consistent flow of new, ready-to-buy referral clients each day. However, like most things, it’s easier said than done.

Referrals are your second easiest client to sell to, only behind your current clients.

It is important to...

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Two Keys to Success Jun 24, 2024

There are two keys I have noticed with almost every successful drycleaning owner.

First, they have a strong bias towards taking action. They honestly take an audit of where they are and make sure their thoughts and actions are in alignment with their ideal destination. Then they rigorously take...

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How to Get What you Want Jun 17, 2024

There are two ways to get everything you want in life.

One is to take it. Someone else has it. You want it. You figure out how to take it from them. Like robbing a bank. Or a one-night stand.

The other way is to help others get what they want in life. In exchange for that value, they give you...

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Turn Your Services Into Products Jun 10, 2024

Products are generally paid for before they are used. For example, you buy toothpaste BEFORE you use it. You buy toilet paper BEFORE you use it. You buy gas BEFORE you use it in your car.

Services are generally paid for after the service is rendered. You pay a plumber AFTER he fixes the leak...

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How to EXIT Without Selling at Drycleaning and Laundry Expo Orlando, FL June 7-9, 2024 Jun 03, 2024

Do you want to make more money?

Have more freedom?

Make a greater impact?

The average person who has a regular job, or works in corporate America, has roughly 35-40 working years where they work hard, advance their career, get promotions, and save for retirement. Then they retire between ages 62...

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